
Mail-Maker Platform Features


Through the MAIL-MAKER control panel, you can analyze and consult your Account information: statistical data on lists, total number of lists, active contacts, bounce rate, etc. With our proprietary DMP, we can create customized dashboards with analytical and predictive functionalities for your Relationship Marketing.

SMS Dashboad

It is the control panel with information about your SMS Account:
– Statistical data of the lists.
– Total number of lists
– Active contacts
– Bounce
– Campaign archives
– Planned campaigns
– Total SMS sent
A chart on the main KPIs of your database is also available. You can download an Excel or CSV file with campaign statistics for the past 90 days.

EMAIL Dashboard

It is the control panel with your Email Account information:
- Total lists
– Active contacts
- Soft Bounced Contacts
- Hard Bounced Contacts
- Deleted contacts
- Completed campaigns
- Ongoing campaigns
– Scheduled campaigns
– Campagne in bozza
A chart on the main KPIs of your database is also available. You can download an Excel or CSV file with campaign statistics for the past 90 days.

Dashboard Design

Using our proprietary DMP, we can create custom dashboards with analytical and predictive capabilities for your Relationship Marketing. Specially designed KPIs will provide you with insights into the users and performance of your email and SMS communication:
– User engagement
– DB Quality
– Reputation of domains
Data extraction models are available to feed Cloud data visualization applications (see Roambi), on-demand reporting services (Qlik View) or your CRM.

Case studies

Examine the “One-to-One Communication” services applied to businesses similar to yours!

Servizi per il tuo SMS Marketing

Prenota la tua campagna SMS Marketing PRENOTA SUBITO E PAGA DOPO. SENZA PENSIERI. Giorni Ore Minuti Secondi Questa promozione è scaduta, puoi comunque richiedere un

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Book your SMS Marketing campaign

Prenota la tua campagna SMS Marketing PRENOTA SUBITO E PAGA DOPO. SENZA PENSIERI. Ma affrettati, l’offerta SMS Marketing dura solo pochi giorni! Giorni Ore Minuti

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